Passionate Engagement!

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As we consult with our clients we are hearing some of the same rhetoric that relates to the reasons why businesses and organizations are not doing as well as the CEO thinks it can.

Here are a few questions to ponder  when you find your business in a stall;

When did it stop being the dream?

When did enough stop being enough?

Sadly, surveys that have been generated by credible organizations like Gallup are beginning to inform the employer’s of a desperate issue of a lack of engagement by employees.

The statistics are alarming and should be a call to action to any business organization that has an intention of remaining in business or determined to dominate the marketplace.    We often hear  that it is difficult to find the right employees.  Those employees who are congruent and build an organization or business with passion and the kind of perseverance that it takes to be a workable team.   The issue that we are diagnosing has nothing to do with finding the right employees but rather engaging those employees in the areas of their passion.

If you were to survey most people, you would find that they want to be part of a growing thriving and excellent workplace.

We are discovering that it is not so much a lack of the discovery of these gems (great employees)  but rather the strategic development of  a quality culture.  We identify the culture, a culture of  high trust.   In a culture of trust you have a minimal need for the kind of compliant instruments that are typically used by the HR departments,   and fewer reasons to police and enforce the rules.    People who know that they are trusted and trust the upper management have a tendency to want to please and to ensure the work that they do is of the kind of quality  that develops a  reputation that continues to build market share.

Often we hear other issues like cash flow concerns,  I am learning to substitute the words management issues for the words cash flow when I hear it.   We are learning the cultures that take personal responsibility and ensure that culture is in a continuous state of personal leadership effectiveness  is one that is more optimal and produces greater benefits for its constituents or customers.

if you find yourself, like many business and organizational leaders in a state of frustration, the good news is; there are answers.

Start  by deciding to develop your culture into a high trust culture.

Commit to building an organization that is designed to continuously improve.

Be a lifelong learner,  as well as a teacher.

Do not quit during the process.

High yielding relationships are  relationships of high trust.

Hire a quality consulting firm,  who have  quality coaches to ensure the process is successful.

Process Consulting,  assumes that you understand the need to continuously improve and develop self-sufficient teams that have both competency and  character.     At  the center of that scale is trust.

Our organization over the years have learned that these kinds of cultures that are intentional are the ones that grow.

About Portacle™

We are Personal and Professional Leadership development experts. We have a unique process of helping leaders optimize through well organized training, coaching and consulting. Our signature training "Leaving a Legacy of Leadership" is a great place to engage in a conversation. We look forward to the adventure.

Posted on October 12, 2013, in Character, Culture, Leadership. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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